Participatory Small Scale Irrigation Development Programme (PASIDP-II) is a seven year Programme (From 2017-2024) financed by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), ASAP, GOE and Beneficiaries with the total cost of USD 145.3 million. The programme is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the life conditions of food insecure woredas (districts) in the four program regions of Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) and Tigray.

The Program is based on the assumption to provide access to secure irrigation production as well as access to markets and services to poor farmers who are living around drought prone area and food insufficient. By enabling to produce in bulk and create potential market in a profitable scenario. The watersheds within and adjacent to the command area, which faces varying levels of land degradation, will also receive investment to rehabilitate and improve the productive capacity and enhance resilience of climate shocks. This will improve the food security, nutrition and in the long run the prosperity of small holder farmers will be changed. 

BID Documents

PASDIP II magazine

Programme components

The programme development objective is to provide “Improved income and food security for rural households on sustainable bases” The program has three main components.

Investment in Small Scale Irrigation Infrastructure
Investment in Capacity for sustainable Agriculture
Programme Management, M&E and Knowledge Management